Ayar is 33 years old and is from Mingaladon Township, Yangon
region. She has her own beauty salon in Sanchaung Yangon since 2016. Her beauty
salon is my favorite in town and Ayar is one of the amazing Myanmar women I had
the chance to meet here! I could not start this blog without presenting her.
How did you come to
create your own beauty salon?
I have been interested about beauty since I was a kid. I
started working in a beauty salon at 12 years old during my summer holidays and
after passing grade 10th I started working full time. At that time,
I really wanted to attend a professional training but Myanmar beauty industry was
not well developed. So I tried my best to get a job in Singapore. I worked
there during 8 years. After 3 years working with her, my boss agreed to send me
to a beauty therapy. I worked very hard during my time in Singapore: I just had
4 holidays per year!
Why did you decide to come back to Myanmar?
Why did you decide to come back to Myanmar?
My country is living an important transition period so I
thought I should come back now and set up my own business. But also for
personal reason, I wanted to be closer to my parents because they have health
Has it been easy for
you to come back and to open you own business?
I never worry about anything! I was so excited to start my
business that I opened it in 2 weeks. But coming back to Myanmar was like going
to a new country and I had to adapt…, I had a lot of doubts but I forced myself
to finish my first year. No matter what,
I had to continue! And finally it worked well! The clients keep coming back! In
July, I celebrated my first anniversary in a new place with all my clients.
Personally, it was also challenging. I am very different from
when I left. All my childhood friends are married and have children now. I am
the only one focusing in my job.
When I arrived in
Yangon, I was really surprised by the high number of beauty salons. How can you
explain this? The competition is not too hard?
In my street there are 4 or 5 beauty salons! Everyone want
to open a beauty salon because people think it an easy way to make money.
Burmese people love beauty salons and especially to have hair wash shampoo.
Burmese style is particular: you lay down and you will get a massage! It is not
expensive, so everyone can afford.
You have 2 young girls working with you now. Is it important for you to teach other people?
Yes! I want to share my skills! Those girls never went to
school so they need to learn a job. Thanks to this job, they also can save
money and help their family back in the village. In the future, they would like
to set up their own beauty business in their village.
How would you describe Myanmar women?
I think, nowadays, Myanmar women are really brave and are
working very hard. Most of the industry are leaded by women. I think it is
because women can work more than men! We are becoming modern and open-minded
women. Especially, when we got a good education, when we spent time abroad,
when we work… We realized that we can do like men and that we are not one step
aside from them. We will also always be attached to our tradition and culture.
You came back in Myanmar in 2016 after 8 years in Singapore. What do you think of your country after that time abroad?
The country improved a lot. We got access to a lot of things,
like buying a car, travelling, internet… But at the same time we lost our
peacefulness. People mindset changed a lot also. I am sure in the good way. I
feel that people were warmer and more helpful. We are becoming more
individualist, especially in Yangon. Yangon is getting very expensive so people
are struggling. My Burmese clients always say that life was easier and safer
before. We were not developed but maybe happier.
We are moving, hopefully in the good direction… I wish
Myanmar will improve for the next generations, especially in education and work
opportunities. I know that we are in a transition period and we have to be
patient. It is not easy to change people habit, especially old people. It is like
we have been in a cage for a long time. One day, I read in a newspaper: if you really want to improve Myanmar, you
have to kill everyone above 5 years old. (Laugh). I think if we want to
change our country we all have to change. Each and everyone has a
responsibility. People complain that nothing has changed but they don’t change
One day one foreigner ask me a question that is still
bothering me: Why Myanmar is a poor country? Is it because it is a Buddhist
And what did you
I thought a lot about it… I think we are poor because we
have a poor mindset. If everyone follows what Buddha teaches / taught us, we
will be a peaceful and happy country. But, most of us we don’t really do.
According to you what
is the main challenge for you country?
It is really difficult for small businesses. Our main
problem is the staff turnover. Employees don’t stay at one place for a long
time. If they are not satisfied, they just leave, even for small things. It is
not good for businesses because we spend time training our staff and it causes
labor shortage. It is not good for employees either because they don’t take time
to develop their skills.
Last question: what
is your favorite place in Yangon?
Sanchaung Township is very nice! There are a lot of good street shops with
traditional Myanmar food!Address: 9 Gandamar street, Sanchaung township, Yangon
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